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Article: Pet photography: tips for working with animals

Haustierfotografie: Tipps für die Arbeit mit Tieren

Pet photography: tips for working with animals

Dogs are known to be man's best friend, but cats, guinea pigs and even turtles can also be great friends if they accompany you day in, day out. Anyone who enjoys taking photos and also feels a close bond with their pet will sooner or later be tempted to capture their favorite on film. The special thing about such pet photos is that they should not only be a beautiful picture, but should also convey the unique character of the animal. This requires a lot of patience, empathy and technical know-how, but with a little sensitivity and a few special tricks, it will definitely work!

A lot of patience instead of a quick snapshot

When we take photos of our favorite four-legged friends, it is often done on impulse because they are doing something particularly cute and eye-catching. These cute snapshots, usually taken with a cell phone, are lovely memories of moments spent together, but as they are taken in passing, they usually lack the right composition, focus and lighting for a really great photo that you would like to hang on your wall, for example.

If you want to take a closer look at pet photography and invest a little time in a real photo shoot, you will realize how incredibly exciting pictures you can take of your furry pets with very little effort. The most important thing with such a picture is to create a unique photo that captures the personality and special features of the animal, because we don't want a catalog photo, but one with a really strong character.

Have you just prepared everything perfectly and created the right composition and then your favorite animal suddenly dashes out of the picture and chases after a squirrel? This and many other things can happen when you decide to ask animals in front of the camera. The key to photographing pets is patience, because there are always unplanned situations that can be a challenge. However, this unpredictability and spontaneity of animals also offers great potential, as this is the only way to create images that surprise and captivate the viewer.

Putting pets in the right light

Choosing the right environment is crucial in order not to overwhelm a pet and to ensure that it behaves naturally during the photo shoot. This should be a place where the animal feels comfortable, such as in its own home, in the garden, in a park or in a forest that it is already familiar with. To avoid stress for the four-legged friends, you should choose an atmosphere or time of day that is as calm as possible and try to remain as relaxed as possible yourself.

To keep the star of the photo shoot in a good mood, your favorite treats should definitely be included, as well as play and interaction. Praising the animal repeatedly and talking to it also helps a lot to create a relaxed atmosphere.

In addition to an animal model, there are of course many photographic subtleties to a good pet photo. Light plays a very special role here, because we want to make the animal's beautiful coat shine. For this reason, it is preferable to work with purely natural light, but direct sunlight should be avoided as it leads to harsh shadows being cast. Shooting in the early morning and evening hours is therefore ideal. When it comes to perspective, the proof of the pudding really is in the eating, but in general shots from eye level are often particularly impressive.

Technical tips for pet photography

The basic equipment for pet photography definitely includes a good camera and various lenses. For example, if the animal is to be photographed from a long distance so as not to disturb it, a telephoto lens may be necessary, while a macro lens can be used to emphasize small details such as the eyes or fur.

A remote shutter release can also be very helpful when photographing pets, as it not only allows you to be close to the animal and interact with it in a more relaxed way, but also ensures sharp shots without blurring. To create even more beautiful, softer lighting, you can also work very well with reflectors to create soft shadows and diffuse light, especially when taking close-up shots.

It is generally advisable to work with fast shutter speeds in order to get sharp shots despite the constant movement of the four-legged friends. Autofocus can also be worth its weight in gold, as it is difficult to adjust manually to the constant movement and change in pet photography. Another camera setting that is particularly suitable for pet photography is the continuous shooting function, which allows you to take several shots in quick succession and thus create a large number of images from which you can then select the best one.

If you like to be creative with the camera settings and want to experiment a little, you can try photographing a playful pet with a deliberately slow shutter speed. This creates the effect commonly known as motion focus and captures the dynamics and energy of the animal in a unique way. A good tripod is essential for this to avoid the risk of camera shake.

The perfect pet photos require not only patience and skill, but also the right equipment. In the Oberwerth Shop you will find handmade camera bags and photo accessories that will make your pet photo shoot a real success. Whether practical camera backpacks for outdoor shots or compact bags for spontaneous pet portraits in the park - our high-quality bags offer optimum protection and space for your camera equipment. Browse through our range and discover the right bag that will reliably accompany you and your equipment - for unforgettable shots of your pet!

Creative ideas for pet photos

To create pictures with a very special atmosphere, the animal can be photographed in different seasons, for example, so that the state of nature also conveys a special mood for the picture. Special occasions and festivals such as Halloween, Christmas or Easter can also serve as a hook for special animal pictures.

To make the pictures more vivid, you can try to capture the animal's emotions, be it joy, sadness or curiosity. Interactions of the animal, whether with other animals or with loved ones such as other family members, are also often particularly beautiful.


If you know someone as well and love them as much as your own pet, a photo shoot together becomes a real experience for two and pet photography becomes a joint project that both of you can enjoy. To ensure that the photos look natural and unposed and that the pet always wants to take part, a relaxed atmosphere in familiar surroundings, play and interaction as well as a good portion of treats should be ensured. Instead of cute snapshots, you will soon be creating dynamic, well-composed and exciting pictures that convey the unique character of your pet!

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