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Photo knowledge

Führungslinien nutzen für stärkere Kompositionen

Use leading lines for stronger compositions

Führungslinien nutzen für stärkere Kompositionen

Use leading lines for stronger compositions

Leading lines are lines that guide the viewer's gaze through an image. In a photo, for example, these can be physical lines such as roads, fences, rivers or buildings. However, leading lines can al...

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Reisefotografie: Verschiedene Kulturen und Landschaften festhalten

Travel photography: capturing different cultures and landscapes

We love to hear exciting stories about faraway places and customs unknown to us, and we are even more fascinated by pictures of them. If you want to embark on the adventure of travel photography, y...

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Babyfotografie: Kostbare Momente sicher festhalten

Baby photography: Capturing precious moments

Becoming parents or grandparents and slowly getting to know a new family member better and better is something uniquely beautiful and a process that you would love to capture in pictures. Often the...

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Komposition in der Landschaftsfotografie

Composition in landscape photography

Who doesn't know that feeling when you look at a really good landscape photo and are not only impressed by its beauty, but also have the feeling that you are being drawn into the picture and taken ...

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Zeitrafferaufnahmen von vorn bis hinten

Time-lapse shots from front to back

Time-lapse photography, also known as timelapse photography, offers an insight into a type of moving image that is as old as photography itself. If you look at very old video recordings such as tho...

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Lichtmalerei: Werkzeuge und Techniken

Light painting: tools and techniques

Light painting, also known as light drawing or light graffiti, is a fascinating photographic technique that uses long exposure techniques to "paint" with light. While the camera keeps the shutter o...

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Abenteuerliche Tierfotografie mit Nikon

Adventurous wildlife photography with Nikon

Many photographers have the desire to tackle the subject of animal photography and try their hand at this special form of motif. However, this type of photography in particular requires special pre...

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Die Kunst der Naturfotografie mit Hasselblad

The art of nature photography with Hasselblad

Nature is rich in wonderful motifs that fascinate amateur and professional photographers. With nature photography, you can capture moods such as the mysticism of a misty morning or the fairytale-li...

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Eventfotografie: Momente und Atmosphäre meisterhaft festhalten

Event photography: masterfully capturing moments and atmosphere

Events offer unique moments that are difficult to repeat. Event photography captures the atmosphere, emotions and special moments of an event. As a photographer at an event, you primarily capture m...

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Filmen mit Leica: Tipps für den Einsatz von Leica-Kameras in der Videoproduktion

Filming with Leica: Tips for using Leica cameras in video production

Leica traditionally stands for first-class quality in photography. However, the brand's cameras have also found a firm place in the field of video production. Models from the SL and Q series are pa...

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