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Photo knowledge

Leitfaden: die beste Ausrüstung für die Reisefotografie

Guide: the best equipment for travel photography

Leitfaden: die beste Ausrüstung für die Reisefotografie

Guide: the best equipment for travel photography

Although smartphone cameras are getting better all the time, truly impressive travel photos can still only be created with professional camera technology. However, when it comes to travel photograp...

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Sieben wichtige Tipps für die erste Geschäftsreise

Seven important tips for the first business trip

You're climbing the career ladder or have successfully started your own business, and your first business trip is coming up soon. In addition to the stresses and strains of a normal trip, many orga...

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Bilder bei Nacht – Tipps & Tricks für Beginner

Pictures at night - tips & tricks for beginners

Have you ever reached for your camera at night in view of the shiny colors on the asphalt after a rain shower? Or discovered the Milky Way in the night sky on vacation and enthusiastically snapped ...

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Landschaftsfotografie: Top-Tipps für atemberaubende Bilder

Landscape photography: top tips for stunning images

Landscape photography is something for romantics. You'll get the best landscape shots when you slow down and spend some time in a natural landscape. Come with us on a journey into untouched nature....

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Unterwasserfotografie – was gilt es zu beachten?

Underwater photography - what to consider?

For people who like to experience the completely different, fascinating world under water, it is often a need to want to take the special and magical impressions from there and share them with othe...

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Die Grundlagen der Fotografie: Ein Leitfaden für Einsteiger

The basics of photography: a guide for beginners

Recognizing and understanding the basics of photography Modern camera technology now offers us many options. Nevertheless, the bottom line is that the newest or most expensive camera or a particula...

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Leitfaden für Porträtfotografie

Portrait photography guide

Mastering portrait photography is considered by many photographers to be a top class skill. After all, professional portrait photography is the type of photography that forgives the fewest mistakes...

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Reisefotografie: Der ultimative Leitfaden für den perfekten Schnappschuss

Travel photography: The ultimate guide to the perfect snapshot

For many travelers, discovering the world through the eyes of the camera and capturing moments for eternity is an essential part of the adventure. The perfect travel photography helps capture memor...

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Fine Art Architektur fotografieren

Fine Art Architecture Photography

As with music or cinema, everyone has their own preferences when it comes to architecture. While some melt at the sight of playful Art Nouveau facades and others love winding half-timbered houses, ...

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Makrofotografie – Tipps und Tricks für die perfekte Nahaufnahme

Macro photography - tips and tricks for the perfect close-up shot

Two blades of grass with bushy seed stalks backlit, a spider web between them. The green spider with long legs, through which the sunlight penetrates, guards its nest, while hundreds of small spide...

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