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With the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union in 2020, also known as Brexit, many aspects of international shipping have changed. You can find all the important information on this page!

What to consider as

Customer from the United Kingdom

For your order to the United Kingdom, we will pay the British import duties and VAT.

These costs are already included in the total price you pay when you place your order. This means that you will not incur any additional charges on import and you will not have to make any additional payments to the courier service provider.

You can be sure that your order from Oberwerth has already gone through all the necessary customs and tax formalities, so that shipping is smooth and at no extra cost to you.

Thank you for your trust and understanding - your Oberwerth team.

Blog posts

Babyfotografie: Kostbare Momente sicher festhalten

Baby photography: Capturing precious moments

Becoming parents or grandparents and slowly getting to know a new family member better and better is something uniquely beautiful and a process that you would love to capture in pictures. Often the...

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Komposition in der Landschaftsfotografie

Composition in landscape photography

Who doesn't know that feeling when you look at a really good landscape photo and are not only impressed by its beauty, but also have the feeling that you are being drawn into the picture and taken ...

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Zeitrafferaufnahmen von vorn bis hinten

Time-lapse shots from front to back

Time-lapse photography, also known as timelapse photography, offers an insight into a type of moving image that is as old as photography itself. If you look at very old video recordings such as tho...

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