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Photo knowledge

Die Kunst der minimalistischen Fotografie mit Leica

The art of minimalist photography with Leica

Die Kunst der minimalistischen Fotografie mit Leica

The art of minimalist photography with Leica

Minimalist photography is a popular art form. It is characterized by the simplicity and clarity of the photos. With this technique, you as the photographer reduce the image to the essentials. In th...

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Die Kunst der mühelosen Eleganz: Packen für stilvolle Geschäftsessen und Veranstaltungen

The art of effortless elegance: packing for stylish business lunches and events

Business trips often only last a few days and therefore do not require large items of luggage. In addition to a laptop and briefcase, a small trolley or a weekender is usually sufficient for clothi...

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Die Kunst des Schenkens: Durchdachte Geschenke für Kunden und Kollegen auf Geschäftsreisen

The art of giving: thoughtful gifts for clients and colleagues on business trips

In the business world, gifts for customers, business partners or colleagues are part of good manners. They are customary on special occasions such as company anniversaries and birthdays, at Christm...

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Die Leica M10 im Fokus

Focus on the Leica M10

Leica is not just a brand or a manufacturer of cameras, but for many photo enthusiasts a completely different kind of photography, a conviction, an attitude to life. Probably the company's best-kno...

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Leicas Q-Serie: Alles Wissenswerte für Straßenfotografie-Liebhaber

Leica's Q series: Everything you need to know for street photography enthusiasts

In the world of street photography, where every image tells a story and every moment is fleeting, choosing the right camera can make all the difference between success and failure. For those who lo...

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Landschaftsfotografie mit der Leica M-Serie: Ein Leitfaden

Landscape photography with the Leica M series: A guide

Landscape photography is one of the most fascinating disciplines in photography and requires not only technical know-how, but also an eye for composition and atmosphere. The calm and serenity that ...

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Globaler Stil-Leitfaden: Selbstbewusstes Auftreten in verschiedenen Geschäftskulturen

Global style guide: Confident appearance in different business cultures

In a smart-casual style with a suit, shirt without a tie, polo shirt or T-shirt, you rarely go wrong at business meetings or social events in this country these days. On the international stage, ho...

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Mehr als nur die Grundlagen: Fortgeschrittene Pack-Strategien für den effizienten Geschäftsreisenden

More than just the basics: advanced packing strategies for the efficient business traveler

Is your next business trip coming up? Advanced packing strategies will help you pack your suitcase efficiently! Use our preparation and packing tips to make sure you don't forget anything essential...

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Exklusive Mitgliedschaften: Vorteilsmaximierung für Luxus-Geschäftsreisende

Exclusive memberships: maximizing benefits for luxury business travellers

Whether for trade fairs, negotiations with business partners or further training, how well a business trip fulfills its purpose also depends on the quality of the travel experience. Those who trave...

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Entspannter fotografieren auf Reisen mit Oberwerth-Produkten

More relaxed photography when traveling with Oberwerth products

Going on a trip with your camera and being able to visit and capture on film iconic places you've been dreaming of for a long time is an exciting adventure that all photography enthusiasts are sure...

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