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Returns survey

We understand that sometimes it can be difficult to find the perfect product and that returns are an important part of the shopping experience. We encourage you to let us know your reasons for returning your Oberwerth products. Whether it's fit, color or material, we want to make sure you have the best possible experience with our products and we get the chance to improve our products for you.

Your opinion is very important to us and we value your feedback. By telling us your reasons for returning, you are helping us to continually develop our products and service and better understand your needs. Please take a moment to let us know your reasons for returning the product. We assure you that your information will be treated confidentially.

Thank you for your support and your loyalty to Oberwerth. We look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Blog posts

Komposition in der Landschaftsfotografie

Composition in landscape photography

Who doesn't know that feeling when you look at a really good landscape photo and are not only impressed by its beauty, but also have the feeling that you are being drawn into the picture and taken ...

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Zeitrafferaufnahmen von vorn bis hinten

Time-lapse shots from front to back

Time-lapse photography, also known as timelapse photography, offers an insight into a type of moving image that is as old as photography itself. If you look at very old video recordings such as tho...

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Lichtmalerei: Werkzeuge und Techniken

Light painting: tools and techniques

Light painting, also known as light drawing or light graffiti, is a fascinating photographic technique that uses long exposure techniques to "paint" with light. While the camera keeps the shutter o...

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