Product photography: creating images for sales
When we go to a store or market to buy something, we can take a close look at the product in question, check its color and quality and possibly even try it on. Unfortunately, all these important factors of a purchase decision are lost when shopping online and it takes good, detailed, appealing and, above all, accurate product photography to help buyers find out exactly what the product is and thus decide whether or not to buy it. It is important that the product is shown in true detail and in its original colors, but the background and lighting should be as appealing as possible. Find out what else you need to consider when taking product photos here.
Types of product photography
The most well-known and perhaps most widespread type of product photography is studio photography, in which the products are photographed in a studio under ideal lighting conditions in front of a mostly neutral background. These images are functional because they accurately depict the product and attempt to represent the shape, colors and materials as faithfully as possible.
This contrasts with on-location photography and lifestyle photography, which are less concerned with detailed representation and more with placing the product in the context of image and lifestyle. Products can be photographed in a natural environment or urban space, for example. Lifestyle photography in particular is also about telling a story about the product, as is also the case in advertising photography.
Equipment for product photography
Basic photographic equipment is generally sufficient for product photography. A good camera, a suitable lens and a sturdy tripod are fundamental. When it comes to lenses, many product photographers like to use macro lenses, which are great for capturing small details at close range.
However, what plays a major role in product photography and should not be missing from the standard equipment are external light sources that allow precise control over the lighting situation. Similar to food photography, lighting also plays a very special role when photographing products. Together with the background, it creates the right atmosphere that can ideally emphasize the special characteristics of the product. For a beautiful background design, you can have various monochrome backgrounds ready that match the respective color scheme and at the same time draw the eye to the product.
If you want to work more professionally, you can consider whether it is worth setting up your own photo studio area with the appropriate fixed set-up. Small light tents have become increasingly popular in recent years as an inexpensive and mobile alternative. The ideal lighting conditions can be easily created in these and the products can shine particularly well against the neutral background.
Putting products in the right light
With an image that is as reduced as is often the case in product photography, all aspects must be carefully considered and planned. Colors and shapes stand out in the concentrated product photos and make the right type of lighting a decisive aspect. There is no right or wrong here, as each type of lighting can achieve its own effects and highlight the product in one way or another.
In general, it can be said that soft light creates softer shadows and therefore emphasizes the shape of the product itself. Hard light, on the other hand, creates strong contrasts and can be used for special highlights or contrasts and to emphasize the consistency of the materials used in the product. The direction of the light also plays a major role in product photography, as it influences the formation of shadows and can emphasize or model the shape of the product.
Last but not least, the color scheme of the product and the image of the brand that is to be conveyed play an important role in the choice of lighting and set-up for the photo shoot.
Bring out the best with subsequent image editing
No matter how professional the set-up is and how successful the photo shoot was, post-processing is always required afterwards. As experienced photographers know very well, you can still get a lot out of the picture. Small blemishes can be retouched away during this process, for example, and the general colouring of the image can be optimized a little. The sharpness can also be increased slightly to emphasize small details.
The increasing development of artificial intelligence is also constantly opening up new possibilities for presentation, in which the real product photo can be blurred with fantastic aspects. Such variations are already overlapping with the field of advertising photography, where the focus is less on depicting a particular product and more on influencing purchasing decisions.
Advertising photography: more than just depicting a product
While product photography concentrates on depicting the pure characteristics of the product and tries to show it as accurately as possible from all angles, advertising photography goes one step further. It is intended to arouse emotions, convey a certain attitude to life and make the advantages of a product appealing to customers. It is more about the image than the detailed representation of a product.
If you want to venture into the field of advertising photography, you should give a lot of thought in advance to the emotions you want to evoke with the image and the story it could tell. It is also important to know the exact target group of the product to be advertised and to be able to capture their preferences and attitude to life in the images. The identity of the brand whose product is being advertised should also be included in the image decisions, as the images must of course match this brand identity.
Successful product photography requires technical know-how as well as creative skills and a real passion for the image. From choosing the right camera equipment to perfect lighting and subsequent image editing, every step contributes to achieving a unique result. In recent years, digital technologies and artificial intelligence have opened up more and more new possibilities for presenting products in a visually appealing way. But despite all the technical innovations, one thing remains unchanged: In product photography, we are constantly searching for a balance between the most appealing representation of the product and detailed accuracy.
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