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Photo knowledge

5 Produktivitätshacks für Berufstätige unterwegs

5 productivity hacks for working people on the move

5 Produktivitätshacks für Berufstätige unterwegs

5 productivity hacks for working people on the move

Anyone who travels a lot for work will be familiar with the exhausting feeling of constantly rushing from one meeting to the next with hardly any time to prepare or respond to important emails and ...

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Top 5 unberührte Orte für Naturfotografie

Top 5 untouched places for nature photography

Who doesn't get envious or at least longing when they see pictures like those of the famous Brazilian photographer Sebastião Salgado from his late work Genesis? After a creative crisis caused by to...

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Schwarz-Weiß-Fotografie: Ein Blick auf die Kunst der Monochromie

Black and white photography: a look at the art of monochrome

Hardly any other genre of photography has been as persistent over the decades as black and white photography, and many famous photographers have explored black and white photography techniques in d...

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Wie Sie Ihre Reisefotos für einen professionellen Look bearbeiten

How to edit your travel photos for a professional look

Do you like traveling and taking photos? Then it's worth looking into the possibilities of digital editing of travel photos. You can share your impressions with family and friends in a representati...

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Wie man Arbeit und Freizeit auf Geschäftsreisen in Einklang bringt

How to balance work and leisure on business trips

In the modern working world, there is hardly any way around business trips. However, it is not so easy to find the right balance between professional obligations and personal relaxation. On the con...

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Aufstrebende Geschäftsreiseziele, die man im Auge behalten sollte

Emerging business destinations to keep an eye on

After the restrictions of the pandemic years, the world seems to have recovered to some extent. Although it takes a long time for interrupted supply chains to be restored, some industries, such as ...

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Der ultimative Leitfaden für die Auswahl der besten Kameraausrüstung

The ultimate guide to choosing the best camera equipment

Anyone who photographs as a hobby or even needs to take high-quality photos for professional reasons should know how to choose camera equipment that is perfectly suited to their needs. The selectio...

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Kundenrezensionen: Warum Geschäftsreisende Oberwerth Taschen wählen

Customer reviews: Why business travelers choose Oberwerth bags

Business travelers need laptop bags that are durable, functional and stylish at the same time. They should be made from robust materials such as leather, have reinforced seams and straps and offer ...

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Verbunden bleiben: Die besten technischen Gadgets für Geschäftsreisen

Stay connected: The best tech gadgets for business travel

Preparing for a shorter business trip or traveling regularly for business? Then you need to demonstrate your organizational skills so that work can continue seamlessly and you can stay in touch wi...

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Die besten Apps und Tools für die Reisefotografie

The best apps and tools for travel photography

When you travel, fascinating photographic opportunities open up for you. Travel photography is not just about capturing sights, landscapes and architectural masterpieces. The goal is also to captu...

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