What do I wear as a wedding photographer?
Being a photographer at a wedding is an exciting job. Capturing this unique and very special day in the life of two people is also quite a bit of responsibility, after all, the bride and groom want to see all the moving and beautiful of this day captured on film by the photographer. At the same time, experienced wedding photographers know that for a full-day reportage they can be busy with the wedding for up to 17 hours, being on their feet all day. So your outfit needs to be comfortable and practical, while also being well suited to the special occasion. What to consider and what experienced wedding photographers and photographers recommend, read here!
The wedding determines the outfit
First of all, it should be said that the clothing of the photographer or the photographer should be based primarily on the wishes and ideas of the bride and groom for their wedding. For this purpose, the dress question should be discussed with the bride and groom at an early stage, know the dress code and also be guided by the location.
Quite naturally, this usually happens through the choice of photographer on the part of the bride and groom. After all, the bridal couple is already looking for a photographer or a photographer who suits them. If photographers then remain true to their own style not only in the pictures, but also in their clothing, the ensemble should be coherent. A little leeway on the scale between chic and casual should always be in there and individually tailored to the wedding.
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The personal relationship that connects the bride and groom and the photographer is also important in choosing the right outfit. After all, as a photographer, you are not necessarily just a service provider, but at times also a guest. If the relationship is more of a friendly one and the bride and groom see the photographer as a special guest, the photographer should also dress up like one so as not to stand out among the guests.
If, on the other hand, the relationship is more one of service provider and customer, and the bride and groom prefer a very discreet outfit for the photographer, he can base his choice of work outfit at the wedding on the clothing of waiters and waitresses, for example. Thus, he is classic, elegant and unobtrusive in most cases exactly right.
Discretion is part of the trade
Just as with other service providers in the wedding business, a discreet appearance is often very much appreciated by photographers. Maybe you don't just want to take the "smile please" and group shots, but also capture a genuine spontaneous encounter or reaction here and there, unnoticed. If you run around in a brightly colored shirt, you may have already scared off the first photo-shy guests.
Therefore, one of the most popular options among professional wedding photographers is the suit. Those who like to dress up anyway and are also very comfortable in a tuxedo can definitely go this route as well. On the other hand, if you're more on the casual side, black jeans and a nice, plain shirt to go with them is just right.
For practical reasons, an experienced wedding photographer will always have something weatherproof and a spare outfit as well. When choosing a school, in addition to aesthetic considerations such as simplicity and elegance, practical aspects such as comfort and quietness should definitely play a role. In no case you want to attract unnecessary attention as a wedding photographer with squeaky or rattling footwear!
Of course, in order not to commit a style breach at an elegant wedding, photographers need to think about how to replace the practical cargo pants that fit all the small stuff of photography like spare batteries or lens caps. This is where the right photo bag can be worth its weight in gold. For those who often travel to elegant parties, a timelessly beautiful and durable leather bag is recommended. Everything that a photographer's heart desires can be stored unobtrusively in it, so that it is always close at hand in case of doubt.
When choosing clothes, it is also important to consider what you want to photograph yourself with. Because if you like to throw yourself in the dirt or climb trees for the perfect photo, you can quickly ruin a nice suit. If that's not your style, something more elegant might be more realistic.
Wedding photographers: The agony of choice
In forums and on the Internet, much is written and heatedly discussed about the choice of dress for wedding photographers. But what about the female photographers? Well, a pair of black trousers and a shirt might still get by, but it's not exactly considered particularly chic for women.
Although choosing an outfit for a wedding can be a bit more complicated for female photographers, they have the advantage that the fashion scope for women at weddings is generally a bit larger. So you're spoiled for choice, and from cocktail dresses to jumpsuits, pretty much anything goes.
For practical reasons, many wedding photographers recommend making sure dresses and skirts go above the knees to be as mobile as possible and avoid unwanted glimpses. It is just as important to dress not only fashionably, but above all comfortably. The perfect outfit is also not too flashy in color or pattern. Other no-go's are white dresses (usually worn by the bride) and anything that glitters or rustles. Likewise, uncomfortable shoes and clattering heels for wedding photographers are welcome to stay at home! For the modern photographer Oberwerth offers the suitable camera bags. A mix of handbag and camera bag in one.
Courage for unconventional outfits
Although many wedding photographers prefer to rely on their classic suits or combinations of black jeans and shirt, some photographers prefer to wear something fashionably idiosyncratic instead of elegant outfits. Whether you are the type for this depends above all on whether you also like to dare something fashionable in private and in everyday life.
In the best case, the photographer's outfit can become his trademark. For example, some wedding photographers wear the same special bow tie or a certain hat for every assignment, which already has a recognition value among wedding guests.
Authenticity pays off
If you feel comfortable in your own skin, but also in your wedding outfit, you will come across as likeable and authentic. So a photographer comes in doubt with the bride and groom and the guests better and can make by this confidence basis finally often also better photos. Nevertheless, the clothing of the photographer must of course always fit first and foremost to the event, the dress code and the location.
However, an original outfit can also serve as an icebreaker and thus help build a bridge to the wedding guests. Especially for people who don't like to be in front of the camera themselves, it might be relaxing to see someone who looks authentic and real. Then they too can be photographed just as they are there and will be recognized as their authentic selves in the photos by the bride and groom.
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