Which camera for wedding photography?
It is also called the supreme discipline of photography: wedding photography. Those who are familiar with this subject know that it is a very special kind of photography and thrives on authentic, unique moments. Because it's all about capturing this very special day in the lives of two people and not missing a key event, there's a certain pressure on wedding photographers. To ensure that nothing goes wrong on the big day, wedding photographers should be particularly well prepared and this includes not least the right equipment. Read here which cameras experienced wedding photographers rely on and what you should consider when making your personal choice:
The egg-laying pillow in the egg
The title says it all: the perfect camera for wedding photography is still an abstract dream for many. Ideally, it should be light, handy and discreet in appearance, have a long battery life and feature a low-noise full-frame sensor as well as a good and accurate autofocus system.
In fact, however, it is difficult to find a camera that meets all these criteria. Each company and even each model, of course, have their own unique strengths, but also weaknesses. The range of cameras that wedding photographers recommend extends from noble Hasselblad cameras to brands such as Nikon or Canon.
SLR or system camera?
A basic question in the choice of the camera is first of all whether it must be an SLR camera or perhaps for the photos at the wedding also a system camera is enough. This has the advantage of being discreet, handy and light. In addition, system cameras are usually less expensive than SLRs. In general, system cameras are an option for wedding photography, but the camera of choice should definitely be robust and include a low-noise sensor.
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Even if there are really good system cameras, professional wedding photographers definitely rely on SLR cameras for optimal image quality. However, if you're not a professional in the field yourself, but are an amateur photographer looking to cover the wedding of a family member, friend, or loved one, the best camera is often the one you have on hand. Because regardless of whether it's an SLR or a system camera, a good photographer also takes good photos. You can find suitable camera bags and protectors for your camera here.
Full format it should be in any case
For the professionals among wedding photographers, who can invest a bit more in their equipment for better photos, a full-frame camera is simply a must. Because lighting conditions can become a problem in the authentic setting of a wedding. Especially in church or at the registry office, photography with flash is often undesirable or inappropriate, as it disrupts the ceremony. If you have to do without the flash, you need a light-sensitive photo sensor to still be able to take sharp and good pictures.
Although you can increase the lack of light sensitivity in other cameras by increasing their IOS, this results in strong noise. So the full-frame camera with its higher light sensitivity is the camera of choice here.
Although you can increase the lack of light sensitivity in other cameras by increasing their IOS, this results in strong noise. So the full-frame camera with its higher light sensitivity is the camera of choice here.
More beautiful in pairs
Whether the battery gives out at exactly the wrong moment, the memory card is full, or some other glitch occurs, the show must go on. Every wedding photographer's nightmare is missing the most beautiful kiss or special look of the day. To play it safe, many wedding photographers therefore carry two cameras.
Another advantage of double equipment is that it may be easier to switch between two cameras that you have on hand at the same time than it is to change lenses on just one camera. This is especially true if the wedding is taking place in a special location, such as a beach or a natural setting, where you don't want to be constantly changing cameras and risking sand or dust in the housing.
If you're going for two cameras for your wedding photos, you'd be well advised to go for the same model twice, or at least two cameras from the same company. Although it is tempting to use different cameras, each with its own strengths, it is simply more practical not to have to rethink every time you change cameras. You can find suitable camera bags to store several cameras stylishly and safely here.
Another advantage of double equipment is that it may be easier to switch between two cameras that you have on hand at the same time than it is to change lenses on just one camera. This is especially true if the wedding is taking place in a special location, such as a beach or a natural setting, where you don't want to be constantly changing cameras and risking sand or dust in the housing.
If you're going for two cameras for your wedding photos, you'd be well advised to go for the same model twice, or at least two cameras from the same company. Although it is tempting to use different cameras, each with its own strengths, it is simply more practical not to have to rethink every time you change cameras. You can find suitable camera bags to store several cameras stylishly and safely here.
What else you need besides the right camera
Besides the right camera or the right pair of cameras, there are a few pieces of equipment that are indispensable for a good wedding photographer. For the own appearance is of course the outfit at the wedding very important, about it there are read more about it here. So that the heavy cameras do not hit the bones during the many hours on their feet, wedding photographers should also find a belt system that is as comfortable as it is elegant.
When it comes to camera accessories, the first thing to think about is extra memory cards. The motto here is better to have one more than one too few, and they should ideally each have a capacity of 16 to 32 GB. The small, handy cards fit in any trouser or shirt pocket and are indispensable for the many images of this day and especially for storage space-intensive RAW formats.
A few lenses are also part of the basic equipment of a wedding photographer. For example, there is the wide-angle lens, which is worth its weight in gold for group pictures as well as dynamic shots at the party or for pictures of the location. In addition, a fast telephoto lens should definitely be part of the package so that the photographer can capture intimate moments of the bride and groom or the family from a discreet distance without altering or disturbing them with his presence.
Even if photographing with flash is out of the question in some moments of the wedding (such as in the church or in the registry office), it is good to have a good clip-on flash and reflectors with you at the wedding. With them, portraits can be perfectly staged. These companions also help in poor lighting conditions and indoors.
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